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# 3D for 2D Pipelines using Blender
# Objectives
Students will be able to create a 3D asset and integrate into a 2D scene using shading, texturing, lighting, and compositing and render a final image.
# Lessons
- Lesson 1: (Aug/28) Intro to 3D and Blender
- Mon: Intro to Blender and navigating blender
- Wed: Intro to modeling styles and modifiers
- Lesson 2:(Sept/04)
- Mon: Intro to topology
- Wed:
- Lesson 3: More Modeling (Sept/11)
- Mon: More modeling and sculpting
- Wed: Scultping
- Lesson 4: Sculpting (Sept/18)
- Mon: UV Basics
- Wed: UV Advanced
- Lesson 5: Final Project & Project Management and UVs(Sept/25)
- Mon: Final Project Review
- Wed: Project Management
- Lesson 6: Surfaces (Oct/02)
- Mon: Surfaces basics
- Wed: Surfaces Adv
- Lesson 7: Textures (Oct/09)
- Mon: Part 1
- Wed: Part 2
- Lesson 8: Lighting & LookDev (Oct/16)
- Mon: Lighting
- Wed: LookDev
- Lesson 9: Rendering (Oct/23)
- Mon: Real Time Rendering
- Wed: Raster Rendering
- Lesson 10: Compositing (Oct/30)
- Mon: Part 1 (HALLOWEEN)
- Wed: Part 2
- Lesson 11: Rigging (Nov/06)
- Mon:
- Wed: Part 2
- Lesson 12: Animating (Nov/13)
- Mon: Part 1
- Wed: Part 2
- Lesson 13: Advanced 3D (Nov/20)
- Mon: Houdini
- Wed: Houdini
- Lesson 14: example (Nov/28) - Thanksgiving
- Lesson 15: example (Dec/05) - Study Hall
- Final Project: due (Dec/16)
# Potential Topics
- How CG is used
- Games
- Film
- Advertising
- Motion Graphics
- Research
- Simulation
- general art
- understanding coordinate spaces coordinate systems
- global
- local
- tangent
- Understanding Geometry under the hood
- applied mathematics
- it’s not continuous, instead, in CG the math is Discrete
- Types of maths
- linear algebra
- geometric algebra
- calculus
- be aware of some general computer science
- big O
- design patterns — how those relate
- sorting
- data processing
- algorthms
- geometry processing
- linear algebra
- The aspects of geometry
- points
- edges
- faces
- normals/surfaces
- winding
- applied mathematics
- Modeling
- standard modeling practices software agnostic
- box modeling
- boolean
- procedural
- sculpting
- UVs
- talk about attributes or data attached to geometry
- another talk on coordinate spaces
- UVs are a 3d -> 2d coordinate transform per point relative to the ?tangent? double check this
- talk about planning modeling once you understand UVs
- Other general modeling concepts
- Speed & efficiency
- try not to repeat tasks
- plan ahead
- manage files
- version control
- naming conventions
- organization
- topology and why
- edge flow
- redirecting
- planning
- loops
- edge
- vertex/point
- face
- poles
- moving poles
- optimizing
- edge loop reduction
- bevels
- workflows from CAD like programs
- chamfer
- etc
- workflows from CAD like programs
- creating holes
- edge flow
- Subdiv workflow
- your mesh should look good before the subdiv
- games
- apply and optimize
- film
- apply subdiv on render
- Mesh Decals
- different per software
- attack objects to another object seamlessly
- different per software
- Groups
- selection
- point/vertex/edge/face
- attribute
- Normals
- setting them
- procedurally setting them
- fixing normal glitches
- setting them
- Separating meshes
- for less topology
- creating holes
- pros/cons
- edge loops
- UVs
- Joining meshes
- planning edge flow
- using merge tools
- Special modeling workflows
- start with plane
- curve it procedurally
- thickness procedurally
- start with plane
- A short introduction to curves in 3D
- photoshop vs illustrator analogy
- why they are still important tools
- what types of work are they often used for
- simple curves
- nurbs (curved surfaces)
- Speed & efficiency
- Blender Modeling
- Projects for learning
- hard surface
- organic
- modeling using modifiers
- Projects for learning
- standard modeling practices software agnostic
- Animation
- Simple Animation
- object
- vertex
- coordinate space
- Rigging
- simple rig
- create an animatic
- Simple Animation
- Surfacing
- Shading
- shader fundimentals
- buffers
- object data
- scene data
- coordinate space review
- noises
- casting data
- vectors to color
- color as vectors
- shader fundimentals
- Texturing
- UVs and how that relates to texturing
- Projecting UVs
- creating UVs
- manipulating UVs
- hooking up textures to shader
- File management
- history
- why
- why
- use cases
- fun
- Shading
- Lighting
- principles
- types of common CG lights
- relation to film/photography
- general ways of lighting scenes
- tri light studio lighting
- sun lighting
- space lighting
- custom
- per scene needs
- mesh lights/emission
- procedural
- texture based
- differences between to touch on in rendering
- raster
- often need to place a sun light where the sun is in the HDR
- path traced
- raster
- Cameras
- Real cameras
- iso
- focal length
- etc
- How CG cameras often emulate real cameras
- what that means for us
- how to get to look you want
- framing your scene
- how CG cameras work
- coordinate space
- important part of going from 3D modeling to an image on your screen
- buffers
- rays
- Real cameras
- Lookdev
- Industry pipelines
- how it’s done
- why it’s done
- lookdev panel
- reflective
- mat
- colorstrip
- How we can do it in blender
- World shading
- procedural sky
- lookdev panel
- World shading
- Industry pipelines
- Rendering
- This is where it all comes together
- industry film pipeline
- render times
- render budgets
- the future of rendering
- good old path tracing isn’t going anywhere soon for many reasons
- Types of renderers
- General Rendering theory
- buffers
- pixels
- drawing a triangle
- touch on technologies
- opengle
- directx
- vulcan
- etc
- Path traced
- tries to be a true as possible to how light works
- light transport research, physics and computer science have come together to make these renderers possible.
- these renderers will get you as close as possible to real life images if that’s what you want.
- how they work
- lights
- cameras
- ray bounces
- tries to be a true as possible to how light works
- Raster
- raytraced raster
- new technology
- still not as good as pathtracing
- realism has to be faked
- many effects like reflection are only calculated in screen space unless reflection maps are used
- small details often need to be offloaded to normal maps
- in film workflows much of the small details is allowed to be geometry
- raytraced raster
- CG rendering theory
- things to keep in mind
- not all render engines are the same
- actually they are all a little different
- some settings may be named differently
- **the underlying theory is the same
- not all render engines are the same
- samples
- what are they
- why do we need to understand them
- samples per types of rendering
- reflection
- diffuse
- etc
- general differences and why GPUs are cool
- Tiles/buckets
- tiles that are rendered
- progressive rendering
- raster rendering
- Denoising
- saving time
- touch on compositing
- new tech
- motion blur
- color management
- Renderer post effects
- bloom
- color
- etc
- A quick solution mostly for look-dev
- Rendering in VFX
- matching source film
- motion blur - camera
- matching film color space
- matching source film
- things to keep in mind
- General Rendering theory
- Compositing
- what is compositing?
- why is important?
- Compositing in film
- nuke as industry standard
- planning your shot with compositing in mind from the beginning
- how that can save time
- Compositing for CG
- render passes
- cryptomates
- piecing separate renders together
- background
- character
- A few last things
- audio
- audio reactive work
- film work has audio
- it may be helpful in some cases to keep audio in mind when working.
- audio