Knowledge Garden


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This site is under active development. Expect some inconsistencies while I work out the bugs. Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

# About This Site

This website was created in Obsidian, a markdown editor focused around knowledge management. This website contains a knowledge graph similar to what Obsidian uses in order to help you navigate and find the resources you need.

This is mostly for me to share my knowledge with anyone who wants to learn the same things I have learned.

# How to use this website

To easily use this website do a few things:

  1. Click through the relevant links.
  2. Click through the knowledge graph at the bottom of each page.
  3. Use the search bar.
  4. Click on tags to see all notes with the same tag.

# Courses

This website contains resources and helpful information for anyone taking DGM 2210 and 1610 at UVU. You don’t need to be part of those classes to find this helpful though.

# Start here for the Course Info

3D for 2D Pipelines

Game dev with Unity

Javascript Hub

Scripting for Animation 2

# Information on this Site

I will be continuously updating this site with all the technical information that I think is helpful and

Below are links to hubs of the different topics I will have on this site.

# General Hubs

CG Fundimentals

Programming Hub

3D Modeling Hub

2D for 3D Hub

Music Production Hub

Sound Design Hub

Mathematics Hub

Post Production Hub

Lighting Hub


Git Hub

# Software Specific Hubs


Houdini Hub


Unity Hub

ToonBoom Hub

Obsidian Hub

Git Hub

Nuke Hub

Godot Hub

bitwig hub

# Other Hubs

Neurodivergence Hub

Gender Hub

# Other Info

CG Resources

Blender Hub



Houdini Scratchpad


Substance Home


sept 19 notes

Unix-Linux Hub

# My Work

I’m planning on adding my portfolio to this website.

Portfolio Hub

My Work