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Project Management, JavaScript for ToonBoom, and 3D for 2D Syllabus

Last updated Feb 8, 2023 Edit Source

# Course Title: Project Management, JavaScript for ToonBoom, and 3D for 2D Pipelines using Blender Duration: 4 Months

# Introduction:

# Module 1: Project Management

# Module 2: JavaScript for ToonBoom

# Module 3: 3D for 2D Pipelines using Blender

# Assessment:

# Final Project

The final project will be creating a 3D scene according to your skill level.

The goal of this project is to take you through the entire pipeline of film and animation, even if that’s a small slice, from modeling to surfacing, to ligthing, and a final rendered image with post-production.

The final will (most likely) be 100 pts.

# Late Policy: