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Last updated Feb 9, 2024 Edit Source

# 3D fundimentals

# Topics

# What is 3D in software?

3D software at it’s core manipulates and creates 3D data.

# History of 3D in computing

# 1960s-Today

# Sketchpad

Written by Ivan Suthland in 1963 for his PhD and is considered the ancestor of modern 3D computing especially of CAD.

First program that we know of the utilize a complete graphical user interface (GUI)

Sketchpad - wiki

# 1970s

# Pixar, Lucasfilm and ILM

Utah Teapot

was constructed painstakingly by manipulating bezier curves and spreadsheets

# 1980s

# 1990s

# Houdini history

# History of Maya

Maya was originally a next gen animation system based on the code from ‘ the Advanced Visualizer’, ‘ Power Animator’, and ‘Alias Sketch’

Disney Collaborated closely in the early development

CGI history

-- ### Other Resources [Turings Cathedral]( - History of Computing

# 3D Data

computers interpret data Digital 3D isn’t real, that data could be interpreted in any number of ways. In our case we will interpret is like 3D data.

3D software visualizes the 3D data for us

# Types of 3D data

# Polygons

are typically made up of

# Voxels

are 3D grid coordinates that hold relevant 3D data

# Curves/Nurbs

curves are technically mathmatical functions that interpolate through any medium.

Gradients are technically curves mathematically

# Nurbs

nurbs are 3D surfaces defined by curve algorithms

# Coordinate Systems

# Manipulating 3D data

(Also known as 3D modeling)

# Types of Modeling

# Topology

# Model this

Go Kart Mechanical Brake Caliper


# Criteria

I want to see how well you can do this