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Last updated Feb 22, 2023 Edit Source

Bad shading

# Agenda

# Film Industry Modeling Checklist

  1. Keep geo as light as possible
  2. only use quads if possible
  3. even distribution of the polygons
  4. bevel everything
  5. freeze transformations
  6. use as few parts as possible
  7. make the geometry water tight
  8. remove all non-manifold polygons
  9. make geometry sculptable
  10. no overlapping UVs, use UDIMS
  11. check the normals (for shading artifacts)
  12. Naming conventions

These are guidelines

They can be broken but it’s important to understand them first so you know when you have an edge-case where you can bend the rules

# Misc blender tips

# Resources

Blender bob - modeling for VFX

Blender bob - Advanced Modeling techniques in Blender

Edge flow addon for Blender

Mesh Check addon

# Assignments

These Should be in blender
