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Booleans Surfacing and Normals

Last updated Oct 27, 2022 Edit Source

# Booleans

# what are booleans?

# How does boolean algebra work?

0 = false/off 1 = true/on

# Logic Gates

NOT Switches the bit

AND takes two or more inputs and outputs one bit all inputs must be true for the output to be true

OR at least one input must be true for the output to be true

NOT inverter

Booleans and logic gates are fundimental to computing and much more. In our case they help with some important operations we can do on our meshes.

The important thing is that these let us create more complex shapes easily

# Caveats

If you are working with polygonal geometry then the resulting meshes typically are not very clean.

One way to avoid this is to use volumes or SDFs and then convert those to polygonal geometry

This can be ok depending on you’re usecases

Do a demonstration of boolean without addons

then show bool-tool

# Common Boolean operations for CG

These are methods of creating certain looks that more than simple boolean mathematics, instead are more an artistic method using booleans

# Slice Cuts

  1. add main and cutter object
  2. set visibility of cutter to wireframe
  3. create the boolean modifier
  4. add solidify modifier to cutter
    1. you can add more solidifier but made sure they are above the bevel

# Fixing Boolean Meshes

Fixing round hole in quad mesh


Shading issues