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Last updated Oct 27, 2022 Edit Source

# Scratchpixel Articles

Transforming Points and Vectors - Scratchpixel Orientation Matrix - scratchpixel row major vs column major vector - scratchpixel Points Vectors and Normals - scratchpixel Matrix Operations - scratchpixel Transforming Normals - scratchpixel Spherical Coordinated - scratchpixel Matricies - scratchpixel How Matricies work 2 - scratchpixel How Matricies Work - scratchpixel Coordinate Systems - Scratchpixel Math operations on points and vectors - scatchpixel

Geometry CPP anotated

# web links


Points, Vectors and Normals

Coordinate Systems

Math Operations on Points and Vectors


How Does Matrix Work: Part 1

How Does Matrix Work: Part 2

Transforming Points and Vectors

Row Major vs Column Major Vector

Matrix Operations

Spherical Coordinates and Trigonometric Functions

Creating an Orientation Matrix or Local Coordinate System

Transforming Normals

Source Code