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Solaris with Redshift on Linux

Last updated Jan 24, 2023 Edit Source

To get redshift solaris working on linux you need to source it on the system level before opening houdini.

In your .bashrc put these lines.

cd /opt/hfs19.5 && source houdini_setup_bash && cd

export PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME=/usr/redshift/redshift4solaris/$HOUDINI_VERSION

Then you can run houdini from the terminal and it will work.

For multiple versions you can be explicit and say: export PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME=/usr/redshift/redshift4solaris/<your_houdini_version>

The only problem with this now is that you’ll need to source houdini_setup first in bash_profile in order for $HOUDINI_VERSION to work.