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Last updated Dec 7, 2022 Edit Source

# Final project

The final project needs to be a prop in a shot of an animated film project.

# Requirements

  1. Relatively Nice Mesh
    1. Nice edge flow
    2. Few Artifacts
    3. well named and organized file
  2. Surfaced
    1. Shaders
    2. Textures (If needed)
  3. Scene Setup
    1. Nicely Lit
    2. Well framed in the camera
  4. rendered shots
    1. At least one rendered shot
  5. Post production
    1. The shot should have at least some color grading.

# Points Breakdown

Total => 100 points

Scene Setup20
Post Production10

10 extra credit points for presenting on Wednesday

# What To Turn In

Please turn these in the format requested or you will get a zero until you fix it!

Please name your files like this => yourname_projectname_projectfile

for example:




  1. The final rendered image(s).
    1. I will accept PNG, JPG, or TIF
  2. An OBS recording of you showing your project and talking about what steps you went through to finish and what you learned. Also show your proposal and talk about how things changed and what you learned about doing larger projects over the course of this project. This MUST be a link to a YouTube video or Vimeo
  3. Screenshots:
    1. The 3D scene in the application you chose
    2. The compositor you used, if it’s node based I want to see the see the nodes.
    3. Anything else you think would be important
  4. The Blend file
    1. If you used another app like maya, turn in an FBX, AND the maya file.