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Last updated Oct 27, 2022 Edit Source

Overview of learning topics blender1

# Course Intro

The aim of this course is to teach the fundamentals of CG by using Blender and Maya as the vehicle to learn. The reason for Blender is that it is increasing in popularity, it has a relatively low barrier to entry, and it tries to touch on most of the pieces of CG pipeline.

Students will learn basics of the underlying mathematic principals used in CG, which will help them solve problems later in their CG journeys. They will also learn some of the principles of 3D modeling, rigging, animation, surfacing, shading, lighting, rendering, and compositing.

# Resources

Before you begin this course browse the resources page. There is a link to the blender download there too and some free addons I will be discussing throughout the content.

Blender Resources

# Learning Objectives

# Assignments

# Quizes